Jinbei for a summer festival. Vest and patchwork/paisley skirt as swimsuit coverup. Obnoxiously large aviators.
Jinbei bottoms, linen striped top, farmer straw hat, aviators as a final touch.
Had a lovely weekend running around with these fools and some other friends. Too much beer and too much festival/bar food so I'm up almost a kg but I'm not going to have a prolapse over it as spending quality time with my favorite people (and food and beverages) is a damned good excuse. Found possibly the only dance club in Kokura and the DJs were spinning actual Japanese music rather than American/European foreign fare - reminescent of Capsule and other J-electropop artists. Held a birthday party for Shaun and Greg (pictured) at Miho's restaurant with Mexican food, cat ears, and sexual harassment. Spent Sunday lazing about in Nogata (and taking the above photos), with a fireworks festival in the evening. Lounging on a blanket in the grass with my favorite people eating festival food and watching colorful explosions in the sky was the perfect way to end a perfectly imperfect weekend. I'll never tire of the sound of music in the distance at an outdoor festival while relaxing on the outskirts.